Feb 12, 2010

Five Core Ethics of the Martial Arts

Many schools of martial arts to promote throughout the world, a philosophy of self-improvement, and one standard required of technical skill. If you think, is the philosophy, as the technical skill that should influence the daily life of every professional.

Martial arts philosophy, or at least the traditional karate philosophy called the Dojo-Kun. The Dojo-Kun is only a five point ethical guide for training in martial artsand attributed to the behavior in daily life and, sometimes, "Student Creed" in English. The traditional karate ethics are often translated:

· The search for perfection of character

· In order to follow the paths of truth

· To foster a spirit of effort

· To honor the principles of etiquette

· To guard against impetuous courage

In many traditional karate schools, as they are sung at the beginning and end of each lessonJapanese and other schools in English. In some schools, there is no singing, just a posting on the wall of the principles of inventing dojo and other schools in their "Student Creed."

I'm not here to tell you which way is right or wrong, but what you should do when choosing a martial arts school will ask whether the core values that the school resonates with the view on life and your moral ethics. Finally, it exposes you and your family very emotionalRisk from the beginning of karate journey. A conflict of moral values is likely to "Dim Mak (Death Touch to provide a) the involvement in martial arts from the beginning.

The Dojo-Kun standards provide a very simple model to follow a path of virtue and realize your potential in everything you do and for being a good citizen. It is up to you how this philosophy fits with your own ideals and ethics. Most of the people to be the five core ethicalsomething you could count on an intimate, some people do not place much emphasis on the philosophy of martial arts and karate in your class with you for very different reasons, as self-defense or basic health and fitness. The phrase "To each his own" is applicable to any case.

Basically, there are many other ways of self-knowledge and understanding of the great world around you. The martial arts provide a useful model for easyI begin to understand themselves and others through the understanding of motion, strength, speed, time, energy, enthusiasm, relaxation and harmony. It 'a beginning, what can be a long and very rewarding.

If you need further assistance with this or any other matter Karate, be sure to download my FREE Report "Beginners Guide to Karate". Learn how to download when http://www.freekarateinformation.com.

Good luck and best wishes for your journey in karate.


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