Author of numerous books on martial arts and fighting, I am always looking to add to the quality of the historical books to my library. If I have a book in the library, it is certainly worth owning. A book is like Bobby Lowe's, "Mas Oyama Karate".
Included in this volume some very beautiful and historic photographs of the two Masutatsu "Mas" Oyama and Bobby Lowe is. These photos will be in addition to numerous photographs of students, Mr. Lowe'sDemonstration of the techniques described in this book.
In this section, Lowe provides a brief history of the development of karate from its beginning, which started in China and traveled to Okinawa, before arriving in Japan. Lowe is also a brief history of Kyokushin-Kai Karate and its founder Masutatsu "Mas" Oyama.
Warm-Up Procedure:
Shown in this section sixteen (16) different warm-up exercises and stretching arethe author suggests that before you and should be executed after every workout. These exercises include sit-ups, push-ups, leg stretches jump, rope, etc.
Shown in this section are thirteen (13), which are used in different positions Kyokushin-kai karate. These include substances such as, horseback or horse stance, forward position, the position Sanchin position include cat, back posture, etc.
Nerve Center:
I was disappointed that this section providesabsolutely no description or the text at all. However, it shows the principle of affected areas on the human body. This is done through the use of a front and rear view image of the human body.
Punching, striking, blocking, and Kicking:
These three sections show twenty-two (22) different punches and strikes. Although there is no text teach how to run correctly. In section block eight (will be shown 8) blocks, while one, the block move effectivelyshown with the text, teach them how to run it. In the section on kicks, sixteen (16) kicks shown. Although no one actually delivered with the text shown to teach, how to run correctly.
Breathing techniques:
Demonstrated, after a brief introduction to breathing and its importance to the martial artist, there are four (4) other basic breathing exercises on your breathing capacity and develop kiDevelopment.
After a brief explanation of the purpose of karate kata, Heian or Pinan Shodan is presented with photos and text for the test.
Pre sparring:
It is used in this section eighteen (18) arranged sparring forms, if the defender uses specific defenses and counters against the predetermined strike the attacker. This is a good way to introduce students to the fundamentals of defense against aAttack.
Defense against grabbing attacks:
Photos and text are used to detect fourteen (14) different mechanisms of defense against a wide range of clamps, such as grasping, wrist, single, double wrist grabs, chokes, bear hugs, grabs the lapel, etc.
Defense against a knife and a club:
After a brief introduction to explain the dangers, when facing an attacker with a weapon, shows the author of eight (8) to defend against a different defense mechanismsAttackers armed with a knife and / or association.
Free-style Sparring:
This section is very short and shows some examples of different techniques will be included in an opponent to the test.
After a too short, but the introduction of sound, the author shows some examples of different types of interruptions.
Defense against multiple attacks:
After a short side of the principles that will be attacked by more than one opponent, the author showsfive (5), several examples of what you can do if attacked by multiple enemies at once.
Makiwara Education:
A brief introduction to the use of Makiwara explained.
Overall this is a very enlightening book about the foundations of Kyokushin Karate-Kai.
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