With the start of a new school year, it is time for the school children who think they get back to school, only about 30 minutes of physical activity during the day - and if they can take advantage of their niche of time. Children need this time to pursue their lives to help the development of services and help develop their image of the body of knowledge, but we all know how it is. Currently, most children want to go home from school, having fun. The problem is that today many children spend their'Off' time watching television, playing video games and chat with friends via the Internet (and you did not even take into account the time they need to spend on homework) every evening. I'm not trying to say that is not the school and the study important. It is important, but the calendar for the school and the severity of homework left to parents to change their evening routine in order to ensure that their children get the exercise and physical activity they need.
Afterthe Centers for Disease Control, "It is recommended that children and young people involved at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most days of the week, preferably every day." Lack of physical activity can lead to many problems in children and cause weight problems, low muscle strength, low aerobic capacity, lack of bone mass, high anxiety and stress and low self-esteem. In addition to school children, activities in their lives, begin to helpDevelopment of healthy body image and confidence to succeed in life.
Regular physical activity can be any type them, will help healthy. The promotion and modeling of physical activities such as walking and hiking in the family, active play in the yard after dinner, and for your children to participate in organized sports during all your help. However, activities such as martial arts take this exercise a step further because for the whole year continues to focus personalTo incorporate the goals and achievements, and mental and emotional training. In addition, adequate training of the changes and progress with your children as they need new challenges.
Whatever you do, you as parents to make sure that your children are a well-rounded days, so they can grow up healthy, spiritually, mentally and physically.