Feb 19, 2010
World Jiu Jitsu Championships 2008 DVD Teaser
Feb 17, 2010
Martial Arts Motivation - 3 Things To prevent anyone from reaching the rank of Black Belt
Here is an interesting statistic: For students who adhere to pass through the door, to buy their uniforms, and only takes about three lessons one to one hundred students ever achieve the rank of black belt.
Why? Are committed. They understand what they can expect, right? Contact in the classroom, as they are serious, too. So what happens that 97%?
In most cases, there are only three things to ensure that individuals are due toBlack Belt. When I ask students what they think, are these three, usually have no idea. I like to say: "lack of commitment, sir!" No. "The lack of proper focus, sir!" Wrong again.
Others that I listen to: the effort is not enough. Do not pay attention. Lack of will. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
And this is terrible, only these three obstacles are the reason why-me-not all of us on almost everything that we do not complete.
Are you ready for the answer? The three things are:Money, time and health.
And all three of these things are the elements out of your inner motivation.
If you want and if you are a student working on his black belt, no matter what style or system and this is important: If your teacher trains hard work, both physically, he or she intentionally pushing their limits, if the number of flexion can be done, how fast you can kick, and how you can follow the instructions. It's all for your good. You are invited toYour limit, then taught to overcome this limitation. Just another ups. Football once again, just a little 'faster. A little 'more effort and energy that you thought you had in you. Is how we go forward, to improve the best.
The martial arts is not only the block-punch-kick-punch-"I won!"
These personal success and achievement. It's all about to go so far as we can, if you think you can not do or say better that instead of depthinside you where you go, just a little 'well, you can improve a bit,' a little 'more. That's how he won tournaments and made master. To be able to defend themselves in the street. Here is how to manage everything.
Besides always your Black Belt? Amazing how willing, as the students are subjected to severe physical and mental training, did not understand that have the ability to overcome the barriers, it mustother areas of your personal life!
As money and time management. And the injury? Well, to be reasonable. Be patient and do heal. But once done, returns to play.
I guarantee that at times between now and when it will finally test the Black Belt, you think you have to end. Perhaps you think that smoking is the only one for a while, 'and then you must return it, if some problems are solved. Unfortunately, most have never been put on again.Money, time and health are almost always the reason.
What can you do? Please contact martial arts training areas of your life. It seems as if there is no way to work out the issue of the budget? Talk to your coach, your spouse, and even himself. There are ways other than those that seem obvious? Brainstorming. Talking to a trusted friend or adviser. How can spend your time differently? We all have the same twenty-four hoursDays, and the same signs of the dollar in our budget. Time and money can be maintained unless permitted to do to manage.
Health is a bit 'different. Normally, when people experience setbacks in health, do not lose their motivation. This is a good thing, but it is reasonable. Martial arts must always improve, not harm their health.
You may be able to overcome the obstacles, money, time and health. If you look at the floor and carpet cleanerDo not think you can do another push-ups, you will find a way to do it anyway. If you think that the only option is a smelly carpet, will not be thrilled to have success. But you know what you're experiencing now, you are in a mood of answers and options that were limited never see realized.
Feb 16, 2010
Kettlebells, Martial Arts Flexibility and Russian Training Technique
Russian Martial Arts flexibility and strength training techniques, such as Kettlebells have been available to Western Special Forces for many years by the Russian masters of martial arts. Russian territory extends from the mid-west across Asia to China, and have The advantage of the best at defense and aggressive techniques from all these areas within their armed forces.
Both before and after the destruction of the communist ways in partsthe USSR, Russian fitness experts crossed to Europe to provide us with the benefit of their knowledge of self defense, strength training, and both British and American forces have reaped the benefits of this specialized knowledge in Russia. Much of this knowledge is now available online for people with a common interest in improving their strength, flexibility and relaxation techniques so that they can not reach the highest levels possible in their favorite sport and play. Thatmeans you!
Take advantage of the Russian kettlebell, for example. Russian power lifters and martial arts experts are available online to use the class in dealing with these simple weights to build exceptional power and strength throughout the body. For those not familiar with kettlebells are just heavy balls with a handle so you can raise. They are very simple, but a person can be more powerful, explosive, and with incredible strength and coordination: justwhat is required in any martial art, and widely used in military training in Russia.
Many martial artists who are primarily in the early stages of the study, the true meaning of strength, speed and power conscious. In simple terms, the strength + speed = power. When you strike with great power, high speed, it will generate a great power. E 'for reasons like this, that big Russian representatives of fitness and martial artsPavel Tsatsouline has been understood by American special forces, deployed the police and other agencies of techniques such as those by Russian Cossacks allow (a man from the plate back with nothing, but not a lightsaber "laser sword Teacher" riding Star wars but a sword, it is not hard!). This is written "saber" in Europe, where it emerged.
Concretely, this could be done through relaxation techniques, which cut several times in standing water Waist Deepin a lake. Sounds easy, but after hours and to have total relaxation until the strike. That is just like a martial artist or boxer should be totally relaxed until the arm snaps immediately with enthusiasm and full strength, relaxes and then immediately after the strike until the next strike could be the split second a later date.
Relaxation can become second nature through the use of Qigong and Tai Chi training, the Chinese artrelaxation. Many people regard it as an exercise of WIMPs, but the greatest exponents of martial arts in the world use to relax, as many of Elite Martial in use around the world. If these guys face to face and calling them wimps!
Through a combination of kettlebells, relaxation training, and flexibility were the Russian special forces for fear of the world in unarmed combat, so they were employed, the armed forces of the trainUSA. Their methods are available online if you know where to look, and leads relaxation, speed, endurance and flexibility appears to be one of the most important skills.
The opposite is the tension that exists for power and strength. At the time the strike was a martial artist, speed and performance are supported by a mass, but an instant later the fist is completely relaxed as it snaps back to guard. Many other sports not just martial arts depend on tension and relaxation,the two aspects of expert athletes.
Russian training techniques offer opportunities to improve your tension and relaxation. The force has increased the use of kettlebells, power through dynamic formation and kinetics, flexibility, speed through training and relaxation through qigong and other techniques. Those who laugh and say it would not work, see the power and capabilities of the Cossacks who shudder, as the enemy,to operate, rather than to them. They were strong, that their horses and the most feared opponents in the known world at that time.
If you want to improve your skills in most sports, but especially in martial arts to learn from the Cossacks and Russians. Learn strength training exercises from martial arts techniques, flexibility, and kettlebells. They are easy to understand, and the equipment is inexpensive