Oct 21, 2011

Everlast Mixed Martial Arts Heavy Bag Kit (Red, 70-Pound) for $68.62

Everlast Mixed Martial Arts Heavy Bag Kit (Red, 70-Pound) By Everlast
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Special Price! for Everlast Mixed Martial Arts Heavy Bag Kit (Red, 70-Pound) With Special Pomotions & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.

Oct 19, 2011

Martial Arts Drills and Games

Martial Arts Drills are an old school way of teaching... I'm not saying that it doesn't work but I know there are better ways to teach your martial art skills to kids (and adults).

Drills are the most basic way of learning a new skill. It is shown to the students as a simple movement and then they are told to repeat it... A LOT! That can work with adults but when you try it with kids you'll be lucky to get them doing it 5x in a row without getting bored and distracted and start talking or doing something else.

Martial Art Training

The problem with drills is that they are monotonous, it is learning by repetition. Another problem is that although the students may learn the basic skill they do not learn how to apply it in a realistic situation. As a simple example, we all know how easy it is to block a punch when you know what punch is coming, your attacker only strikes from one position and you don't need to move your own feet because you are comfortable with how the martial arts drill will work.

Martial Arts Drills and Games

Hapkido AKA Lady Kung Fu Review.

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