Sep 11, 2010

Ninjutsu Martial Arts Training and Fitness

weight problems are among the most common problems among people of all social classes and age groups. Child or adult, rich or poor, Western or Eastern Europe, obesity is increasingly seen as a health hazard and this has led to a growing public awareness about keeping fit and healthy. There are many different approaches for developing a healthier body and although the most basic formula, the traditional diet and exercise to maintain their efforts have been made to explore other aspects of life, may have beencontribute to weight loss or weight gain. Of course, fitness experts are starting from the mere physical fitness focus, to actually see more people develop the way of life and how that ultimately, the possibility of developing obesity or a tendency for them.

In general, a person now living as a technical and physical development of weight loss or simply training regimens for their clients. Factors such as smoking, occupation, family background and even romanticThe reports are now the total package of coaches who have worked well occur. Even in terms of movement and control of obesity, people are more adventurous and open to different strategies, including the martial arts.

A lot of people think that the spirit of the martial art meant only for the physical defense, but those who really know, he believes that, in fact, a comprehensive package of wellness for body, mind e. LawyersI believe that martial arts body is the best form of exercise, because as you work to strengthen the person at the same time, strengthening his resolve to continue the pursuit of health, in the absence of someone to coach HIM. In other words, art as an exercise and martial law on physical health. Also maintains and cares for a person a sense of discipline, so I can continue, not only with his exercise program, but with other tasks infulfill his life with a drive to excellence and always reach its full potential.

Of course, a martial artist is part of the greater recognition for your expertise. Therefore, even if a DVD or video Ninjutsu to use art to focus on this type of martial art, as a rule of not enough. Most people would actually want to learn, really, and even work his way up to black belt.

As there are many types of martial arts,They are probably not good, with each of them and I know you think for one more at home with and interested in how to exercise, this treatment is complete and it should certainly be the development of the work is not only a physical but better off end the production of a new and better person out of you.

Sep 10, 2010

Mon (Tiger Muay Thai) wins 4th round TKO @ Bangla Stadium

Mon, fighting for Tiger Muay Thai and MMA scores a 4th round KO at Bangla Stadium beating the taller and more experienced fighter as he listened closely to his corner and executed a good fight strategy.

Sep 9, 2010

Countdown to UFC 109 - Marquardt and Sonnen

Nate Marquardt and Chael Sonnen are featured in this segment of Countdown to UFC 109. UFC 109 can be seen Live this Saturday, February 6th on Pay-Per-View or Also prelims can be seen Live on SPIKE at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Saturday.

Sep 8, 2010

Secrets of Martial Arts - The Path to Fight Arts

If you're like me, the training of martial law, who is fascinated by and reflects on issues about the best martial art for self-defense or the Ultimate Fighting is not easy and quick answers. Martial art styles abound, a wide range reality. One of the most recently known as Mixed Martial Arts or MMA short in which a competitor must be trained in various martial arts styles Kickboxing and Jiu-Jitsu. Note that I use the word "competitors" as a fighter who competes for a title and / or prizes. These athletes, like those participating in the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship events) are in excellent condition and has reached a martial artist. But they must follow their rules and formats. For some of us, the methods of surviving violent physical assaults or for the protection of persons belonging to seek from such actions, we must, on the sporting side output> The martial arts and discover the ways of martial arts.

The dictionary meaning of martial arts is one of the traditional forms of Oriental self-defense ... to use physical skills and coordination without weapons ... often practiced as sport. " This expression is stern when you meet violence with real life. Most of the current fighting in mutual combatants will certainly include weapons and there's nothing sporty about it. But the onlineDefinition of the struggle is to "fight" or "armed struggle". Couple that, with the word "art", meaning "skill in conducting any human activity, and we have the correct name for the unlimited war against an individual or group of individuals - martial arts.

Combat Arts cover a wide range of options to effectively address one or more attackers in any situation and environment, in order to resume the mere presence of firearms. The secret is in the fight against those responsibleArt is for mentally and physically comfortable train beyond the dojo or gym, where it is dry and predictable, and expand your sphere of traditional martial arts style (s) and forms. Runaway train in all types of terrain and in inclement weather. Learn different styles and develop ways to counter their techniques and the combination with your own. If this is not mentioned philosophy of Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do (JKD)?

Sep 7, 2010

Mixed Martial Arts

Mixing martial arts have always been in the history of martial arts in the world. In fact, systems of martial arts were invented most of the art based on a combination and modification of existing ones.

Take the case of judo, Kano was established based on the combination and modification of different styles of Jiu-Jitsu. Modern Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in turn a change in the Japanese Judo by Helio Gracie. Western BoxingOriginally based on the change of western fencing. Kickboxing was found by a combination of karate kicks with boxing blows. Wing Chun is based on the change in long hand Shaolin Kung Fu Systems. Bruce Lee JKD was found by the combination and modification of Wing Chun, boxing and fencing theory.

The list goes on .....

The irony is that while the founders were men who broke the tradition and to combine and change things that work best things for themselves, after he died,consist of their supporters to turn her thesis into a must-not-change system.

Because of this attitude, education was considered a martial art crime disloyalty cross.

In 1990, NHB events as the UFC has taken the martial arts world by storm and thanks to them, cross-training is no longer a sin military. Initially Grappler win, because nobody knew how we should fight, and do not know how to stopTake-downs.

As sport has developed, people began to realize how important it is to cross train.

So I think it funny when fans say things like MMA fighting is the best method. People do not realize that the fight is not better "method" is still evolving. Like boxing, has fought the champions of today very different from the Champs from the 30s 20s and so on.

methods must change, and the minute you think your way is the best, you are done. A good example is theGracie in UFC, like its competitors developed, stopped, and as a result got beat.

There is always a good memory, not to yourself to have too much of an ego, and instead of continuing to learn and change, if you want to get ahead.

One of the biggest misconceptions is the idea that the MMA and NHB events are new. The fact is that throughout history, martial arts and NHB competitions mixing are as old as man.

The Gladiators, death matches in China until it was bannedNanjing killings in 1935, challenge matches in Brazil, swordplay in ancient Japan, etc. MMA is not a new concept, only seems new because it is the first time on Global TV cable.

If people think that the martial art of mixing, you automatically think the UFC, K1, Pride, NHB and other events. But the truth is that it mixes with the martial arts depends on what you are mixing.

The success of that mix up what you thinkinto force. Are you going to give NHB, kickboxing, boxing, sport jiu-jitsu or a stick fighting tournament?

The rules are different, there is no point in mixing your training kicks in when the game plan with the right to a hole? And there is no reason to continue to treat strokes and only if you want the right to a wrestling floor?

This is common sense, but the reason I write this is only because most people believe that if an event Thinking about mixed martial arts.

Again depends on what you mix, that train. With this knowledge you can also design a training program for the best. That said, what tournaments (NHB, wrestling, stick fighting, boxing, mixed, etc.) and what mix of street fighting and real world self-defense very, very different.

Some things you should consider the law of war during mixing> Art in the street is compared to sports events are more opponents, starting with a strong commitment, the use of and defense against weapons, the use of verbal distractions and the element of surprise, that in a fight difficult environment (poor lighting, stairwells, etc..) rather than fleeing from bad to stay to win more to come.

Transfers some tactics in combat sports, attributes and methods is not good for street fighting, but many. Just as some thingsStreet Fighting combat sport can be sent, but so is not. Knowledge of the differences between the ring against a street address, instead of thinking, working method for both is the safest and most effective training.

I hope this helps the average person a little better perspective on mixed martial arts in general.

Sep 5, 2010

Street Fighter Moves - Interviews Christopher "Bob" Roberts Martial Arts Versus survival training

Charles - The issue today is how to help people see the clear difference between martial arts and reality of street survival training. Can you say, Bob, say, four major differences in these two?

Bob - Yes, I can do.

The number one difference is - time to learn - before you go and learn martial arts, and people talking about five years, 10 years to yourblack belt. But my problem is when I train with you today, I want you to be prepared to survive a battle tomorrow. Street self defense and street survival is to learn how to defend themselves very quickly. We're not talking about years before they can fight.

Charles - Excellent.

Bob - now -

The second difference is - the need for constant training - based on martial artsThe repetition of techniques. Martial Arts Fitness, according to some. And when a teacher teaches reality-based fighting someone on the street, they teach that for them to learn, understand, a time when it is not necessary in this one for each train to one day be able to do two years or .

The third difference is - security technology is not my opinion, necessary to train people in the struggle for survival - Full Contact training teachesSting, for example, with the mouthpiece, no. With hat and gloves, teaches you not to attack the eyes - not to attack his neck. So if you see someone who makes contact with the extensive training, which protect the safety training you teach your students are not particularly effective techniques available for use by the few.

The fourth difference is - in principle no tricks technology - a good reality-basedTeachers could learn the basics for someone on strike throat, kicking someone in the knee, someone tested, etc., in a very short time, you will understand even if we do not know exactly what to do to do that in a Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase third type of explanation.

With martial arts, have complicated techniques and take years and months to learn, and if you have never forgotten. A reality-based instructorshow, this is an easy way to hit someone in the nose. This is an easy way to break some of the body of the leg. And that's all. And if I understand you do not have to be perfect to achieve the same effect.

Charles - Wow. Well, thank you very much, because this is definitely a new light on the differences between these two concepts. Thanks, Bob,.

Bob - Thanks.

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